NVK supports Vulkan 1.0: Fedora 40 plans to enable system service isolation: Release of FreeBSD 14.0: Rocky Linux 9.3: Release of owncast 0.1.2: EndeavourOS 23.11: New versions of Claws Mail 3.

Wifibox 0.10 - environment for using Linux WiFi drivers in FreeBSD: Git 2.37 source control release: Release BitTorrent client Deluge 2.1: Thunderbird 102 mail client released: 23rd Ubuntu Touch Firmware Update:

nginx 1.23.0 release: New Qt project leader appointed: Rust support in the Linux 5.20 kernel: The GeckoLinux creator introduced SpiralLinux: AMD Opens FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 Technology: KaOS 2022.06 distribution released:

Qt6 packages prepared for Debian 11: Release of the MidnightBSD 2.2: Cinnamon 5.4 desktop environment released: Release of EasyOS 4.0, a custom distribution from the creator of Puppy Linux:

The first stable release of GNU wget2 PaSh shell script parallelization system moved under the wing of Linux Foundation Fedora Linux 35 has entered beta testing OBS Studio 27.1 Released

Latte Dock 0.10 released Nmap 7.92 Released Bottlerocket 1.2, isolated container distribution released Release of the P2P platform GNUnet 0.15.0 25th Alpha release available 0 AD Tor Browser 10.5.4 and Tails 4.

Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.4 released Haruna 0.6.0 video player available TeX Live 2021 released IceWM 2.3 window manager released WebOS Open Source Edition 2.10 Release Google wins Java and Android litigation with Oracle

Serpent OS, a New Distro IPFire Will Discontinue Support for 32-Bit with PAE Ubuntu 19.10 Reaches End of Life IBM Open Sources Their Edge Device Platform Inclusive Langauge Is Gaining Popularity