Bcachefs patches to fix the FS: Release of GNU Stow 2.4: The PumpkinOS project develops PalmOS reincarnation: Release of apt-mirror2 4: PiVPN project discontinued: First edition of Pingora: Fedora 41 approved DNF5:

Release of Lutris 0.5.15: openSUSE Leap 16 will be built on the ALP platform using containers: COSMIC Custom Shell: VirtualBox 7.0.14 released: MySQL 8.3.0 DBMS: X.Org Server 21.1.11: Release of Tesseract 5.

Amazon and Google have opened Snapchange and Buzzer: A new panel written in Rust for COSMIC: Release of DietPi 8.17: Release of Rocky Linux 9.2: Release of Tor 12.0.6 and Tails 5.

Release of the Lutris 0.5.10 platform Release of Nitrux 2.1 with the NX Desktop Release of xfce4-terminal 1.0.0 qutebrowser 2.5 and Min 1.24 web browsers available(https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases/tag/v2.5.0) New versions of Claws Mail 3.

Geany 1.38 IDE Redo Rescue 4.0.0, backup and recovery distribution Arkime 3.1 network traffic indexing system Release of ROSA Fresh 12 on the new rosa2021.1 platform (IN RUSSIAN) The author of cdrtools passed away