This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Blender and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu : KDE Science Pt.2 Micro This Micro That Review : Ubuntu 22.04 Review : Puppy Linux Slacko 7 My Story : My Journey To Ubuntu 22.

Release of Toybox 0.8.7: Patches for the Linux kernel with Rust language support: The Weron project developing VPN based on the WebRTC protocol: Photoflare 1.6.10 image editor released: GNOME Project Strategy in 2022:

New Release of Raspberry Pi OS: Thunderbird 100 beta release integrates Matrix protocol support: Custom Material Shell 42: MX Linux release 21.1: Release of OpenSSH 9.0 with transfer of scp to the SFTP protocol:

nftables Packet Filter 1.0.1 Release of PureOS 10 Arcan 0.6.1 Desktop Engine Released Germany plans for Linux and LibreOffice Q4OS 4.7 Distribution Released First test release of free 2D CAD CadZinho

AlmaLinux 8.5 is available Release of Lakka 3.6 LF Decentralized Storage Migrated to Open License SeaMonkey 2.53.10 Released Fedora Linux 37 intends to end support for 32-bit ARM architecture

Muen 1.0, an open source microkernel OpenLDAP 2.6.0 released Launch of ncspot, a console Spotify client Vulkan 1.1 Graphics API Certified for Raspberry Pi 4 Crabz 0.7, multithreaded compression utility

First release of Fosscord’s Discord-compatible communication platform Apache Foundation moves away from mirrors in favor of CDN Rancher Desktop 0.6.0 Released(Including Linux support) Dash to Dock 70 released Double Commander 1.

Geany 1.38 IDE Redo Rescue 4.0.0, backup and recovery distribution Arkime 3.1 network traffic indexing system Release of ROSA Fresh 12 on the new rosa2021.1 platform (IN RUSSIAN) The author of cdrtools passed away

The first stable release of GNU wget2 PaSh shell script parallelization system moved under the wing of Linux Foundation Fedora Linux 35 has entered beta testing OBS Studio 27.1 Released

This month Command & Conquer : LMMS How-To : Python, Latex and Portable UEFI Clone Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu Micro This Micro That Review : Linux Lite Review : Photofilmstrip Ubuntu Games : The Games People Play Plus: News, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

Linux 5.14 kernel released Beta version of Multitextor A completely free version of the Linux-libre 5.14 kernel is available NTFS-3G Releases with Vulnerability Elimination ONLYOFFICE Docs 6.4 online editor

GTK 4.4 graphical toolkit GNOME 41 Beta Available Release of the GNU Taler 0.8 Linux kernel turns 30 Release of QEMU Emulator 6.1 SeaMonkey 2.53.9 Free OpenShot Video Editor 2.