Helios distribution based on Illumos: Release of Shotcut 24.01: Firmware release for Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Focal: Pale Moon Browser 33.0.0 Released: Release of LibreOffice 24.2: ONLYOFFICE 8.0 office suite published:

Release of DietPi 9.0: MX Linux 23.2: AV Linux 23.1: RubyWM, a window manager written entirely in Ruby: Cryptsetup 2.7, with support for OPAL hardware disk encryption: Release of the Radix cross 1.

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Backup With Duplicati and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Micro This Micro That Review : Lubuntu 23.10 and Other ‘buntu’s Book Review : Linux In Easy Steps Ubuntu Games - Please Fix The Road plus: News, Q&A, The Daily Waddle, and more.

Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3: AlmaLinux 9.3: Vivaldi browser has appeared on Flathub: Release of Wireshark 4.2: HandBrake 1.7.0: Release of Blender 4.0: Release of EuroLinux 9.3:

Release of WebKitGTK 2.42.0: Angie 1.3.0, a Russian Nginx fork: Release of RPM 4.19 Package Manager: It’s been 32 years since the first release of the Linux 0.01 kernel:

Release of Bodhi Linux 7.0: P2P VPN 0.10: Traces of malicious activity on the Inkscape download server: Update here: Release of UbuntuDDE 23.04: The LibreOffice project date-linked versioning: Release of QEMU 8.

LXD and the Linux Containers community: Release of VCMI 1.3.0: Rhino Linux is available: Release of NetworkManager 1.44.0: Recording companies block Youtube-dl: Release of outWiker 3.2 notes: Rocky Linux, Oracle and SUSE have created a joint repository:

The highest-performance supercomputers: VKontakte’s open game engine - Nau Engine: Release of Tux Paint 0.9.30: Podman Desktop 1.0: Release of Oracle Linux 8.8 and 9.2: Credits Host: @bardictriad, @zaivala Bumper: Canonical Theme Music: From The Dust - Stardust https://soundcloud.

Release of Linux kernel 6.2: Release of Budgie 10.7.1: Fish shell is being rewritten in Rust language: openSUSE Leap beta release 15.5: Jami “Vilagfa” is available: A plan to promote a Linux driver, Xe for Intel GPU:

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Bash to Python, Migrating from VAX/VMS and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu: Diagramming with Dia Review : Xubuntu 22.04 Review : Void Linux Ubuntu Games : Crystal Caves HD plus: News, My Opinion, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

SFC urges open source projects to stop using GitHub: Porteus 5.0 distribution released: Release of Zabbix 6.2: The KDE project introduced their fourth generation of KDE Slimbooks: Oracle Linux 9 and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 available:

nginx 1.23.0 release: New Qt project leader appointed: Rust support in the Linux 5.20 kernel: The GeckoLinux creator introduced SpiralLinux: AMD Opens FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 Technology: KaOS 2022.06 distribution released: