Canonical starts IPO path World’s First Quantum Computer Made By China — 24,000 Times Faster Than International Counterparts NHS cyberattack is ‘biggest ransomware outbreak in history’ Debian GNU/Linux 8.8 Released With Tons Of Updates And Fixes

Linux kernel 4.11 released Linux Mint terrorist jailed for 8 years Post Unity 8 Ubuntu shock? Relax, Linux has been here before Assembly line robots vulnerable to hacking Don’t click that Google Docs link!

[Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) Hits the Streets on October 19, with GNOME 3.26](Artful Aardvark) Canonical Shuts Down Support For Ubuntu Phone, Updates Ending In June Hackers uncork experimental Linux-targeting malware

Ubuntu 17.10 To Have Wayland Display Server As Default Ubuntu might retire Thunderbird Red Hat and Fedora Teams Welcome Ubuntu to GNOME and Wayland with Open Arms Tails 2.12 Anonymous Live OS Is Out, Drops I2P as Alternative Anonymity Network

Ubuntu 17.04 inches closer to production Linux Kernels 4.10.6, 4.9.18 LTS and 4.4.57 LTS Released with Updated Drivers Google Launches New Open Source Website IXmaps: This Map Tells If Your Web Traffic Is Being Spied On By The NSA

Apologies for the lack of shows for the past two weeks. I had a heavy cold and assumed you wouldn’t want me coughing and sniffling in your ears. :) Canonical extends Ubuntu 12.

Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Point Release Coming On Feb 2 With Linux Kernel 4.8 Canonical launches Ubuntu Tutorials [Ubuntu Developers Now Tracking Linux Kernel 4.10 for Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)](Zesty Zapus)

Ubuntu Touch OTA-14 Slightly Delayed Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation, 15 years after Ballmer called it ‘cancer’ Almost all the world’s fastest supercomputers run Linux Security bods find Android phoning home.

Ubuntu Budgie Is Now an Official Ubuntu Flavor Former Bitcoin Core Developer Joins Linux Foundation Board Orange Pi PC 2 Is A Cheap Quad Core Linux Computer For $20 That Runs Ubuntu

Ubuntu Core 16 released Canonical announces live kernel patching for Ubuntu Linux Kernels Patched Against “Dirty COW” bug FakeFile Trojan Opens Backdoors on Linux Computers Linus Torvalds Announces Linux Kernel 4.

Mintbox Mini Pro: A Cheap Linux Machine With Compelling Specs alwsl Project Lets You Install Arch Linux in the Windows Subsystem for Linux Linux Lite 3.2 Enters Beta, Now Plays Nice with Other Distributions

This drone development kit can also be an Ubuntu PC IBM to set up new Linux cloud for Africa BASHLITE malware turning millions of Linux Based IoT Devices into DDoS botnet