Creator of LLVM develops a new programming language Mojo: Lennart Pottering offered to add a soft reboot mode to systemd: Release of Alpine Linux 3.18: Free 2D CAD CadZinho 0.

Paragon Software has resumed maintenance of the NTFS3 module in the Linux kernel: Release of Tails 5.1: New driver for the Vulkan graphics API is being developed: Rakudo compiler release 2022.

Arti 0.0.3, a Rust implementation of the Tor client SystemRescue 9.0.0 released Release of GhostBSD 01/22/12 Release of Mumble 1.4 Essence - an original operating system with its own kernel and graphical shell

Thunderbird Ownership Transferred to MZLA ND2H Wi-Fi Adapter Is Now FSF Certified Nvidia Dropping Support for Older Graphics Drivers Linux Mint Focuses on LMDE 4 and Cinnamon Google Paid $6.