Void Linux update: MiniOS 4.1 released: Release of MyLibrary 3.1: First results of the project to improve FreeBSD performance on laptops: MaXX Interactive Desktop 2.2 Released: OpenWrt 24.10 is available:

Helios distribution based on Illumos: Release of Shotcut 24.01: Firmware release for Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Focal: Pale Moon Browser 33.0.0 Released: Release of LibreOffice 24.2: ONLYOFFICE 8.0 office suite published:

Development of Servo transferred to the Linux Foundation Europe: The Mojo programming language Over 1.5 million copies of LibreOffice 7.6 downloaded in two weeks: Release of fheroes2 - 1.0.8:

Release of Bodhi Linux 7.0: P2P VPN 0.10: Traces of malicious activity on the Inkscape download server: Update here: Release of UbuntuDDE 23.04: The LibreOffice project date-linked versioning: Release of QEMU 8.

PLEASE NOTE: NEW RSS FEED URL: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/podcasts/index.xml Release of Budgie 10.7: Release of Coreboot 4.19: Release of ONLYOFFICE Docs 7.3.0: Release of Elementary OS 7: Xfce developing support Wayland: Progress of COSMIC written in Rust:

SUSE releases Rancher Desktop 1.0 rqlite 7.0, a distributed fault-tolerant DBMS Release of Nitrux 2.0 Minetest 5.5.0, an open source clone of MineCraft Falkon 3.2.0 browser developed by the KDE project

This month: Command & Conquer : Terminal How-To : Python, Blender [NEW!] and LibreOffice Writer Tips Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu Micro This Micro That Review : Lubuntu 21.10 Review : Xencelabs Pen Tablet Medium Bundle Book Review : Object Orientated Python Ubports Touch Ubuntu Games : Slipstream plus: News, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

Code removal in Mesa Blender 3.0 Release Release of EndeavourOS 21.4 Introducing Blueprint, a new UI building language for GTK VeraCrypt 1.25.4 released LibreOffice 7.2.4 and 7.1.8 Update with Vulnerability Fix

nftables Packet Filter 1.0.1 Release of PureOS 10 Arcan 0.6.1 Desktop Engine Released Germany plans for Linux and LibreOffice Q4OS 4.7 Distribution Released First test release of free 2D CAD CadZinho

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators Ultimaker Cura 4.11 released Revolt – alternative to Discord Terraform Project news MidnightBSD Project Server Hacked A third party is trying to trademark PostgreSQL in Europe and the US

Apache OpenMeetings 6.1 web conferencing server released The PINE64 project introduced the PineNote e-book Slackware 15 rc-1 Published Git 2.33 source control released A new Pale Moon Browser version

The Muse Group acquired the Audacity project GParted 1.3 Partition Editor released Wayland-protocols 1.21 released Exim 4.94.2 update fixes 10 remotely exploited vulnerabilities Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, fixing a vulnerability affecting LibreOffice