Linus Torvalds is unhappy with Bcachefs commits again: Release of antiX 23.2: Release of MX Linux 23.4: Development of openSUSE Leap 16.0: OpenBSD 7.6 Released: Libreboot 20241008 released: Release of XCP-ng 8.

Release of Libreboot 20231106: Release of SAIL 0.9.0: OmniOS CE r151048 and OpenIndiana 2023.10: Release of Mineclonia 0.91 game created on Minetest engine Release of Fedora Linux 39: GIMP 2.

Release of the OpenSilver 2.0 platform: OpenBSD 7.4: Release of VirtualBox 7.0.12: New CEO of GNOME Foundation: Release of MediaGoblin 0.13: For Kubuntu 22.04 packages with KDE Plasma 5.27:

Slackware Linux is 30 years old: Voice Update for Mozilla Common Voice 14.0: GNU Boot, Libreboot boot firmware: LazyVim 5: Composefs on top of OverlayFS and EROFS: MySQL 8.1.0:

Linux 6.4 kernel released: Release of Libreboot 20230625: Fedora Workstation 39 new installer: InkBox OS 2.0: Release of Blender 3.6: Release of Proxmox Backup Server 3.0: Oracle automatic optimization:

Release of Minetest 5.7.0: Release of OpenBSD 7.3: FreeBSD 13.2 with Netlink and WireGuard support: 4MLinux 42.0 Release of Meson 1.1: New version of nginx 1.24.0: NVIDIA has published the code RTX Remix Runtime:

The release of Libreboot 20230319. Release of Dragonflydb 1.0: Release of GNU Coreutils 9.2: Release of cURL 8.0: Release of Apache CloudStack 4.18: Trisquel 11.0: Pale Moon 32.1: Release of PeerTube 5.

SFC urges open source projects to stop using GitHub: Porteus 5.0 distribution released: Release of Zabbix 6.2: The KDE project introduced their fourth generation of KDE Slimbooks: Oracle Linux 9 and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 available: