Canonical Announces Snapcraft Toolkit Rework Messor, a decentralized intrusion detection system released Release of EasyOS 3.2 Clonezilla Live 2.8.1 released A completely free version of the Linux-libre 5.16 kernel is available

Debian offers fnt font manager Ubuntu 22.04 theme switched to orange Debian 11.2 Update Mongoose OS 2.20, an IoT device platform released Release of the GNU library libmicrohttpd 0.9.74

GhostBSD Release 21.11.24 Tux Paint 0.9.27 is released SQLite 3.37 Released The OpenPrinting project has released CUPS 2.4.0 WebOS Open Source Edition 2.14 Released 4MLinux 38.0 in the wild

Glibc 2.34 system library released Third candidate for Debian 11 “Bullseye” installer The share of Linux users on Steam was 1% in July The opening of the source code for L0phtCrack was announced

Network Security Toolkit 34 Min 1.20 Published Linux kernel vulnerability affecting CAN BCM network protocol Vulnerabilities in eBPF Subsystem to Bypass Specter Protection NixOS provides repeatable build support for the iso image

[Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Operating System Reaches End of Life on July 20, 2017](Yakkety Yak) Ubuntu Developer Shares His Thoughts on the Unity to GNOME Shell Transition Linux Mint 18.

Google’s DeepMind AI Develops an Algorithm Maru Is an Android OS on the Phone and Debian Linux When Connected to a PC Vulnerabilities in Font Processing Library Impact Firefox and Linux

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