Release of GnuCash 5.0: BlenderGPT plugin announced: Ubuntu Touch OTA-1 Focal, translated on Ubuntu 20.04: Debian 9 Stretch moved to archive: Release Ventoy 1.0.90: Release of Porteus Kiosk 5.5.0:

First release of Fosscord’s Discord-compatible communication platform Apache Foundation moves away from mirrors in favor of CDN Rancher Desktop 0.6.0 Released(Including Linux support) Dash to Dock 70 released Double Commander 1.

Let’s Encrypt Moves Forward with the CAA Rechecking Bug Project Sandcastle runs Android on iPhone 7 Glimpse 0.1.2 Is More than a Name Change systemd 245 Now Supports Encrypted Home Directories

This month Command & Conquer How-To : RTL-SDR Radio, LibreOffice, and Ubuntu Kiosk Graphics : Inkscape. Linux Labs: Compiling a Kernel Pt 6 and Trying FreeBSD Review: Ubuntu Mate 14.10 Book Review: Official Ubuntu Book 8th Edition Ubuntu Games: X-Plane & FSEconomy, and Unigine Heaven Benchmark Plus: News, Arduino, Q&A, and soooo much more.