Network Security Toolkit 34 Min 1.20 Published Linux kernel vulnerability affecting CAN BCM network protocol Vulnerabilities in eBPF Subsystem to Bypass Specter Protection NixOS provides repeatable build support for the iso image

The Muse Group acquired the Audacity project GParted 1.3 Partition Editor released Wayland-protocols 1.21 released Exim 4.94.2 update fixes 10 remotely exploited vulnerabilities Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, fixing a vulnerability affecting LibreOffice

Release of Godot 3.3 Linux kernel 5.12 released Release of Akira 0.0.14 Finit 4.0 init system available Fedora 34 Linux distribution released Pale Moon 29.2 Browser Released Budgie Desktop 10.

EndeavourOS 2021.04.17 OpenSSH 8.6 Release with Vulnerability fix Nginx 1.20.0 released Node.js 16.0 JavaScript Server Platform Released Tetris-OS - you guessed it University of Minnesota Suspended from Linux Kernel Development after Submitting Questionable Patches

OpenToonz 1.5, an open source 2D animation package Sway 1.6 environment using Wayland released Xen 4.15 hypervisor released FPGA Open Source Development Initiative NVIDIA Invests $ 1.5M in Mozilla Common Voice Project

Canonical Chooses Flutter Linux Mint to Make System Updates a Priority Steam Link Now Available on Linux ElementaryOS 6 Changing Some of the Look and Feel Root Access and Denial of Service Flaws Found and Fixed in Kernel 5.

Ubuntu Releases After Regression Hirsute Hippo Feature Freeze Thunderbird Backported to Ubuntu 20.04 Mesa Project Looking for Help System76 Milling Their Own Open Source Keyboards Red Hat Announces More Free RHEL

Ubuntu Giving Wayland Another Shot Networking and Touchpads Work in Linux on M1 Macs Greg Kroah-Hartman Needs Commercial Buy In For Longer Kernel Support Sudo Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Allows Unauthorized Root Access

Lubuntu 21.04 Artwork Contest Open Ubuntu’s Switch to LZO in Snapd Ubuntu’s Snap Theming Will See Changes for the Better GTK4 Is Available After 4 Years In Development XFCE 4.

The End of ZaReason CentOS Linux 8 End of Life Moved from 2029 to 2021, Stream Takes Over New CentOS Replacement Lineups Spring Up Raspberry Pi OS Updates Out

Linux Coming to Apple M1 Macs New Ubuntu Members Manjaro 20.2 Nibia Out BlackArch 2020.12.1 Out Nitrux 1.3.5 Out KDE Plasma 5.20.4 Out Cinnamon 4.8 Out OpenZFS 2.0 Out

AWS Creates Its Own Docker Images Dell Adds Privacy Drivers to the Kernel Elementary OS Is Making Progress with Dark Mode in Odin Raspberry Pi 400’s New Form Factor