Paragon Software Unhappy about exFAT in Kernel 5.7 Debian Announces Biohackathon Linux Mint 20 will be named Ulyana GNU Guix Plans Addition of Hurd Micro-Kernel Huawei Signs Non-Agression Patent Pact with Open Invention Network

Huawei Linux Laptops Running Deepin Linux Now Available PineTime, a Smartwatch Companion for Linux Smartphones First-Ever Microsoft Linux Conference Announced Linux 5.3 Kernel Bundles New Navi Graphics Support Canonical Outs New Linux Kernel Security Update for Supported Ubuntu OSes

GCC Switching to Git Is Approaching Google Suspends Huawei’s Android Support Security Researchers Discover Linux Version of Winnti Malware South Korea Wants to Switch from Windows 7 to Linux

Kali Linux 2018.2 Ethical Hacking Distro Is Here Major Debian Linux Kernel Patch Fixes 8-Year-Old Privilege Escalation Flaw Twitter Wants 336 Million Users To Change Passwords, Bug Exposed Them In Plain Text