Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3: AlmaLinux 9.3: Vivaldi browser has appeared on Flathub: Release of Wireshark 4.2: HandBrake 1.7.0: Release of Blender 4.0: Release of EuroLinux 9.3:

GNU Binutils 2.37 Released HandBrake 1.4.0 Released Linus Torvalds commented on the situation with the NTFS driver from Paragon Software NVIDIA publishes driver 470.57.02, opens RTXMU code and adds Linux support to RTX SDK

Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Point Release Coming On Feb 2 With Linux Kernel 4.8 Canonical launches Ubuntu Tutorials [Ubuntu Developers Now Tracking Linux Kernel 4.10 for Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)](Zesty Zapus)

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Minimal Ubuntu Install, LibreOffice, and GRUB2. Graphics : Blender and Inkscape Linux Labs: Ripping DVDs with Handdrake, and Compiling a Kernel Arduino Plus: Q&A, Security, Ubuntu Games, and soooo much more.