Linux kernel 6.11 released: FreeBSD 13.4 Released: OpenSearch, a fork of the Elasticsearch platform, is now under the wing of the Linux Foundation: AMD Engineer Proposes Easier Linux Kernel Management of CPU Vulnerability Locks:

Linux kernel 6.10 released: Release of NomadBSD 141: GNOME Foundation Executive Director Leaves: Release of Tails 6.5: Release of PeerTube 6.2; SUSE has asked the openSUSE project to stop using the SUSE brand:

Booting Arch Linux from Google Drive: GNOME switching font? GDB Debugger 15: Release of Box64 0.3.0: Shotstars 0.2: Debian GNU/Hurd builds 71% of Debian packages: Multi-user code editor Zed now supports Linux:

Release of MX Linux 23.3: Ubuntu 24.04 builds for the Nintendo Switch: IceWM 3.5.0 released: Release of free 2D CAD software CadZinho 0.6: Release of Geary 46.0: GhostBSD 24.04.1:

Linux kernel 6.9 release: Viola Workstation K 10.3: Debian switches to a stripped-down version of the KeePassXC: Rescuezilla 2.5: An NVIDIA representative answered questions related to the transfer of drivers to open kernel modules:

Release of GIMP 2.10.38: Release of PeerTube 6.1: The GNOME Project has published its financial report for 2023: Release of pacstall 5.0: Release of Nebula 1.9: Daphile 24.05: Release of Xpra 6.

Release of Widelands 1.2: Nitrux 3.4.0 is available: Release of the ROSA Fresh 12.5: Opening the Mojo language standard library: Libsystemd dependency reduction initiative: Release of Redict 7.3.0: CENO 2.

GnuCOBOL compiler and the SuperBOL development environment: Microsoft open sourced Garnet storage: GNOME 46 Published: Release of Wayland-Protocols 1.34: The Redis DBMS is moving to a proprietary license: Red Hat introduced Nova:

Release of Libreboot 20231106: Release of SAIL 0.9.0: OmniOS CE r151048 and OpenIndiana 2023.10: Release of Mineclonia 0.91 game created on Minetest engine Release of Fedora Linux 39: GIMP 2.

Release of the OpenSilver 2.0 platform: OpenBSD 7.4: Release of VirtualBox 7.0.12: New CEO of GNOME Foundation: Release of MediaGoblin 0.13: For Kubuntu 22.04 packages with KDE Plasma 5.27:

Release of WebKitGTK 2.42.0: Angie 1.3.0, a Russian Nginx fork: Release of RPM 4.19 Package Manager: It’s been 32 years since the first release of the Linux 0.01 kernel:

Debian support for RISC-V architecture: Release of MPV 0.36: Inkscape 1.3: Release of PascalABC.NET 3.9.0 development environment: MLS proposed standard: Network Security Toolkit 38: Ubuntu, optimized for Intel Core processors: