Linux kernel 6.12 releases with Realtime support: GhostBSD 24.10.1 Released: Linux-libre 6.12 kernel available: (Resolving licensing issues with Tuxedo drivers) Arch Linux Moves Package Build Scripts to 0BSD License:

Release of Linux kernel 6.2: Release of Budgie 10.7.1: Fish shell is being rewritten in Rust language: openSUSE Leap beta release 15.5: Jami “Vilagfa” is available: A plan to promote a Linux driver, Xe for Intel GPU:

SFC urges open source projects to stop using GitHub: Porteus 5.0 distribution released: Release of Zabbix 6.2: The KDE project introduced their fourth generation of KDE Slimbooks: Oracle Linux 9 and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 available:

Paragon Software has resumed maintenance of the NTFS3 module in the Linux kernel: Release of Tails 5.1: New driver for the Vulkan graphics API is being developed: Rakudo compiler release 2022.

Canonical introduces Steam Snap for easier access to games on Ubuntu: Unity 7.6.0 Custom Shell Release: fwupd 1.8.0, firmware download toolkit available: Release of Trinity R14.0.12 DE: KaOS 2022.04 distribution released:

Mesa’s Rust implementation of OpenCL now supports OpenCL 3.0: Intel Opens PSE Block Firmware Code for Elkhart Lake Chips: DBMS libmdbx 0.11.7 Move Development to GitFlic After Lockdown on GitHub:

March Update on Pinebook Pro GitHub to Acquire NPM Shortwave Radio 1.0 Out Emmabuntus 1.01 Out Fedora 32 Beta Out LibreOffice 6.4.2 Out Java 14 Out Linux Kernel 5.6 rc7 Out

Open Source Software: 20-Plus Years of Innovation IBM Buys Linux & Open Source Software Distributor Red Hat For $34 Billion We (may) now know the real reason for that IBM takeover.

A bumper episode for you this week! You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened GNU Emacs 26.1 released Firefox And Chrome Bug Leaked Facebook Profile Details For Almost A Year

Purism to Bring Hardware Encryption to Its Librem 5 Privacy-Focused Linux Phone Android Phones Caught Selling with Pre-Installed Factory Malware Exton|OS Claims to Be First Distribution Based on Ubuntu 18.