Wifibox 0.10 - environment for using Linux WiFi drivers in FreeBSD: Git 2.37 source control release: Release BitTorrent client Deluge 2.1: Thunderbird 102 mail client released: 23rd Ubuntu Touch Firmware Update:

Release of the GNU Coreutils 9.1 set of core system utilities: LXQt 1.1 User Environment Released: Rsync 3.2.4 Released: Celestial shuns snaps: The SDL developers have canceled the default Wayland switch in the 2.

Apache OpenMeetings 6.1 web conferencing server released The PINE64 project introduced the PineNote e-book Slackware 15 rc-1 Published Git 2.33 source control released A new Pale Moon Browser version

Ubuntu 20.04 Released Ubuntu Survey Results Fedora 32 Released Lenovo Now Shipping Fedora on Thinkpads Manjaro 20 Released Bug In Git May Leak Credentials Linux Kernel 5.7 rc4 Out

Red Hat Names Paul Cormier President and CEO Mitchell Baker Named CEO of Mozilla Docker Users Targeted with Crypto Malware Docker Compose Is Now Open Source Gnome Announces Community Engagement Challenge

Kernel 5.6 Released Audacious 4.0 Out Git 2.26.0 Out Parrot 4.8 Out Kubernetes 1.18 Out Bodhi Linux 5.1.0 Out Credits Ubuntu “Complete” sound: Canonical Theme Music: From The Dust - Stardust https://soundcloud.

GCC Switching to Git Is Approaching Google Suspends Huawei’s Android Support Security Researchers Discover Linux Version of Winnti Malware South Korea Wants to Switch from Windows 7 to Linux

Linux’s RPM/deb split could be replaced by Flatpak vs. snap China builds world’s fastest supercomputer without U.S. chips - and it runs Linux Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python, LibreOffice, and GRUB2 Graphics : Blender and Inkscape. Review: Toshiba SSD Security and Q&A CryptoCurrency: Compiling an Alt-Coin Wallet [NEW!] Arduino Plus: Q&A, Linux Labs, Ubuntu Games, and another competition to win Humble Bundles!