Tizen Studio 6.0 Development Environment Released: Release of NethSecurity 8.3: FFmpeg speeds up some operations by 94 times: Updating DogLinux build: LXQt 2.1.0 Released: Firewalld 2.3.0 Released: webOS Open Source Edition 2.

A Catchy update: Cockroaches close up shop: Minuet in Allegretto: A ship named Solaris: Office freedom: Gear’d up: Freeze, put your hands in the air: Twelve bells, CO: Phantasmagorical news:

Release of GIMP 2.10.38: Release of PeerTube 6.1: The GNOME Project has published its financial report for 2023: Release of pacstall 5.0: Release of Nebula 1.9: Daphile 24.05: Release of Xpra 6.

Miracle-wm, a composite manager based on Wayland and Mir: WebKit adds support for the Skia library for rendering 2D graphics: Valve open sourced Steam Audio toolkit: RawTherapee 5.10 released:

Release of Libreboot 20231106: Release of SAIL 0.9.0: OmniOS CE r151048 and OpenIndiana 2023.10: Release of Mineclonia 0.91 game created on Minetest engine Release of Fedora Linux 39: GIMP 2.

Release of Geary 44.0: GIMP 2.99.16: SUSE has announced the creation of its own fork of RHEL: Void Linux installation builds are available: Release of Thunderbird 115: Release of Pale Moon 32.

Ubuntu mini installation: Release EasyOS 5.0: KDE Plasma switches to Qt 6: Release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14: Release of Armbian 23.02: Release of FFmpeg 6.0: GIMP 2.10.34: Debian 12 launched a separate repository with firmware:

Qt6 packages prepared for Debian 11: Release of the MidnightBSD 2.2: Cinnamon 5.4 desktop environment released: Release of EasyOS 4.0, a custom distribution from the creator of Puppy Linux:

Debian offers fnt font manager Ubuntu 22.04 theme switched to orange Debian 11.2 Update Mongoose OS 2.20, an IoT device platform released Release of the GNU library libmicrohttpd 0.9.74

First release of Fosscord’s Discord-compatible communication platform Apache Foundation moves away from mirrors in favor of CDN Rancher Desktop 0.6.0 Released(Including Linux support) Dash to Dock 70 released Double Commander 1.

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators Ultimaker Cura 4.11 released Revolt – alternative to Discord Terraform Project news MidnightBSD Project Server Hacked A third party is trying to trademark PostgreSQL in Europe and the US

KDE Will Support Fingerprints XFCE Shaping Up For a Strong Version 4.16 Microsoft Defender Previewing New Features for Linux Only Tuxedo Computers Reverse Engineers Drivers Tails 4.13 Out Kali 2020.