Lutris 0.5.19 Released: Apache NetBeans 25 IDE: Release of MythTV 35: Aqualung 2.0 Music Player Ported to GTK3 Released: X.Org Server 21.1.16 Update Fixes 8 Vulnerabilities: Nextcloud Hub 10 is released:

Linux kernel 6.12 releases with Realtime support: GhostBSD 24.10.1 Released: Linux-libre 6.12 kernel available: (Resolving licensing issues with Tuxedo drivers) Arch Linux Moves Package Build Scripts to 0BSD License:

Release of Armbian 24.8: Release of DietPi 9.7 Samba 4.21.0 Released: GhostBSD 24.07.1 Released: Weston Composite Server 14.0 Released: KDE Project Report 2023: SeaMonkey 2.53.19 Released: QEMU 9.1.0 Available:

Release of MX Linux 23.3: Ubuntu 24.04 builds for the Nintendo Switch: IceWM 3.5.0 released: Release of free 2D CAD software CadZinho 0.6: Release of Geary 46.0: GhostBSD 24.04.1:

A new model for generating Ubuntu Touch releases: FreeBSD will stop supporting 32-bit: Regolith Desktop Environment 3.1: Free versions of VMware vSphere Hypervisor has ceased: OpenVPN 2.6.9 update with license change:

Release of Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.10: GhostBSD 23.10.1: Release of Incus 0.2: Release of VLC 3.0.20: Midori 11 web browser based on the Floorp project: Release of Pale Moon 32.

Qt6 packages prepared for Debian 11: Release of the MidnightBSD 2.2: Cinnamon 5.4 desktop environment released: Release of EasyOS 4.0, a custom distribution from the creator of Puppy Linux:

Arti 0.0.3, a Rust implementation of the Tor client SystemRescue 9.0.0 released Release of GhostBSD 01/22/12 Release of Mumble 1.4 Essence - an original operating system with its own kernel and graphical shell

GhostBSD Release 21.11.24 Tux Paint 0.9.27 is released SQLite 3.37 Released The OpenPrinting project has released CUPS 2.4.0 WebOS Open Source Edition 2.14 Released 4MLinux 38.0 in the wild

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators ClamAV 0.104 Free Antivirus Finnix 123 Linux Distro for System Administrators Is Out Based on Debian Bullseye Tarantool 2.8 released Whonix 16 available

Release of Godot 3.3 Linux kernel 5.12 released Release of Akira 0.0.14 Finit 4.0 init system available Fedora 34 Linux distribution released Pale Moon 29.2 Browser Released Budgie Desktop 10.

Huawei Linux Laptops Running Deepin Linux Now Available PineTime, a Smartwatch Companion for Linux Smartphones First-Ever Microsoft Linux Conference Announced Linux 5.3 Kernel Bundles New Navi Graphics Support Canonical Outs New Linux Kernel Security Update for Supported Ubuntu OSes