Release of Hangover 10.0: Orbitiny DE using Qt Released: Hyprland 0.47 released: Google Opens Up OS Code for Pebble Smartwatch: Release of Privoxy 4.0.0: Linux Kernel Reaches 40 Million Lines:

Release of MX Linux 23.3: Ubuntu 24.04 builds for the Nintendo Switch: IceWM 3.5.0 released: Release of free 2D CAD software CadZinho 0.6: Release of Geary 46.0: GhostBSD 24.04.1:

Miracle-wm, a composite manager based on Wayland and Mir: WebKit adds support for the Skia library for rendering 2D graphics: Valve open sourced Steam Audio toolkit: RawTherapee 5.10 released:

Release of MX Linux 21.3: Release of LibreELEC 10.0.4: Release of LosslessCut 3.49.0: Release of Kodi 20.0: Backup system restic 0.15: [Release of Firejail 0.9.72:])https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/releases/tag/0.9.72) Release of Plop Linux 23: