Release of LibreELEC 11.0: Release of APT 2.6: Release of Audacious 4.3: Release of Apache 2.4.56: New version of Samba 4.18.0: Plan to promote Flathub as an independent app store:

Release of Linux kernel 6.2: Release of Budgie 10.7.1: Fish shell is being rewritten in Rust language: openSUSE Leap beta release 15.5: Jami “Vilagfa” is available: A plan to promote a Linux driver, Xe for Intel GPU:

Canonical introduced Ubuntu Frame shell Release of Lakka 3.5 Lumina Desktop 1.6.1 Release Nitrux 1.6.1 with NX Desktop is Released Release of OnlyOffice Desktop 6.4 LLVM Compiler 13.0 Released

Full Circle Weekly News is now on Spotify: Ubuntu Making Home Folders Private in 21.04 Ubuntu 21.04 Makes Phased Updates a Reality Tails Has a Focus in 2021 Project Lenix from CloudLinux Gets a Name

Groovy Gorilla Is In Feature Freeze Ubuntu Beginning the Switch to NFTables in Groovy Gorilla IP Fire 2.25 Core Update 148 Released with Location-based Firewall Lenovo to Ship Fedora on its Thinkpads

Ubuntu 18.04.4 Released with Updated Kernel 5.3 Devs Push for Unicode 13 Support in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Perens Versus Open Source Security; Perens Wins in Court New Long Term Support KDE Plamsa 5.

Linux Mint Debian Edition 4 to be Dubbed Debbie The New Nextcloud 17 Brings Remote Wipe Flatpak 1.5 Rolls Out With New Features Calibre Open Source eBook Management App Gets Major Release After Two Years

Zorin OS 15 Enters Beta with Flatpak Support, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Solus 4 “Fortitude” Officially Released, It’s Now Available for Download MATE 1.22 Linux Desktop Is Here With Improvements And Fixes Source

ExTix 19.3 Linux Distro Released With Kernel 5.0, Kodi 18.2, And Xfce 4.13 Ubuntu 14.04.6 Trusty Tahr Released With High-impact APT Bug Fix KDE Plasma 5.15.3 Desktop Environment Released with Flatpak Improvements

Flatpak Linux App Sandboxing Format Now Lets You Kill Running Flatpak Instances Red Hat Exec Says IBM Must Keep the Open-Source Culture Untouched Uber Joins Linux Foundation As A Gold Member

Bodhi Linux 5.0.0 now available with Ubuntu 18.04 base Valve’s new Steam Play beta boosts Linux as a rival to Windows PCs for gamers Flatpak 1.0 released, aims to simplify installation of Linux apps

Peppermint 9 Released The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.0.5 Flatpak reaches ‘1.0’ status (pre-release) - a milestone PulseAudio releases version 12 GTK+ 3 update Ubuntu Desktop Metrics EU committee voted to break the Internet: this Sunday, Berliners take to the streets to say NO!