Tizen Studio 6.0 Development Environment Released: Release of NethSecurity 8.3: FFmpeg speeds up some operations by 94 times: Updating DogLinux build: LXQt 2.1.0 Released: Firewalld 2.3.0 Released: webOS Open Source Edition 2.

Booting Arch Linux from Google Drive: GNOME switching font? GDB Debugger 15: Release of Box64 0.3.0: Shotstars 0.2: Debian GNU/Hurd builds 71% of Debian packages: Multi-user code editor Zed now supports Linux:

Wifibox 0.10 - environment for using Linux WiFi drivers in FreeBSD: Git 2.37 source control release: Release BitTorrent client Deluge 2.1: Thunderbird 102 mail client released: 23rd Ubuntu Touch Firmware Update:

GNU Binutils 2.37 Released HandBrake 1.4.0 Released Linus Torvalds commented on the situation with the NTFS driver from Paragon Software NVIDIA publishes driver 470.57.02, opens RTXMU code and adds Linux support to RTX SDK