Tizen Studio 6.0 Development Environment Released: Release of NethSecurity 8.3: FFmpeg speeds up some operations by 94 times: Updating DogLinux build: LXQt 2.1.0 Released: Firewalld 2.3.0 Released: webOS Open Source Edition 2.

qBittorrent 5.0 Released: FFmpeg 7.1 Released: Phosh 0.42.0 released: Apple has published the open source components used in macOS 15: Oracle Releases Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel R7U3: Nitrux 3.7.0 release:

Release of MATE 1.28: SerenityOS loses BDFL: (and Linux gains a browser) FreeBSD 14.1 release with improved sound stack and cloud-init support: Canonical has published Ubuntu Core 24: Nitrux 3.

Release of Widelands 1.2: Nitrux 3.4.0 is available: Release of the ROSA Fresh 12.5: Opening the Mojo language standard library: Libsystemd dependency reduction initiative: Release of Redict 7.3.0: CENO 2.

Release of Libreboot 20231106: Release of SAIL 0.9.0: OmniOS CE r151048 and OpenIndiana 2023.10: Release of Mineclonia 0.91 game created on Minetest engine Release of Fedora Linux 39: GIMP 2.

Ubuntu mini installation: Release EasyOS 5.0: KDE Plasma switches to Qt 6: Release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14: Release of Armbian 23.02: Release of FFmpeg 6.0: GIMP 2.10.34: Debian 12 launched a separate repository with firmware:

Arti 0.0.3, a Rust implementation of the Tor client SystemRescue 9.0.0 released Release of GhostBSD 01/22/12 Release of Mumble 1.4 Essence - an original operating system with its own kernel and graphical shell

Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.4 released Haruna 0.6.0 video player available TeX Live 2021 released IceWM 2.3 window manager released WebOS Open Source Edition 2.10 Release Google wins Java and Android litigation with Oracle

Linux Journal Ceases Publication: An Awkward Goodbye SparkyLinux Gets New Development Cycle Based on Debian 11 Capsule8 Adds Significant Funding from Intel Capital Three Weeks After Closing Red Hat Deal, IBM Rolls Out New Cloud Offerings

This month Command and Conquer - Resizing Images With FFMPEG. How-To : Program in C - Part 6, Web Development - Part 3, Installing CrunchEEE To The EEE PC, and Spreading Ubuntu.