Booting Arch Linux from Google Drive: GNOME switching font? GDB Debugger 15: Release of Box64 0.3.0: Shotstars 0.2: Debian GNU/Hurd builds 71% of Debian packages: Multi-user code editor Zed now supports Linux:

Release of LibreELEC 11.0.4: Release of Nobara 39: Exim 4.97.1 update: Gentoo has announced the availability of binary packages: Release of GNU inetutils 2.5: NetSurf browser 3.11: MX Linux for Raspberry Pi:

Release of Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.10: GhostBSD 23.10.1: Release of Incus 0.2: Release of VLC 3.0.20: Midori 11 web browser based on the Floorp project: Release of Pale Moon 32.

nginx 1.23.0 release: New Qt project leader appointed: Rust support in the Linux 5.20 kernel: The GeckoLinux creator introduced SpiralLinux: AMD Opens FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 Technology: KaOS 2022.06 distribution released:

The first stable release of GNU wget2 PaSh shell script parallelization system moved under the wing of Linux Foundation Fedora Linux 35 has entered beta testing OBS Studio 27.1 Released

The Muse Group acquired the Audacity project GParted 1.3 Partition Editor released Wayland-protocols 1.21 released Exim 4.94.2 update fixes 10 remotely exploited vulnerabilities Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, fixing a vulnerability affecting LibreOffice

Mozilla Firefox Could Soon Get a “Tor mode” Add-on Critical Flaw in VLC Media Player Discovered by German Cybersecurity Agency Hackers Exploit Jira and Exim Linux Servers to “Keep the Internet Safe”

Purism to Bring Hardware Encryption to Its Librem 5 Privacy-Focused Linux Phone Android Phones Caught Selling with Pre-Installed Factory Malware Exton|OS Claims to Be First Distribution Based on Ubuntu 18.