Linux kernel 6.9 release: Viola Workstation K 10.3: Debian switches to a stripped-down version of the KeePassXC: Rescuezilla 2.5: An NVIDIA representative answered questions related to the transfer of drivers to open kernel modules:

Release of Godot 4.2: Release of Alpine Linux 3.19: Release of Endless OS 5.1: Release of Minetest 5.8.0: Author GnuPG founded LibrePGP: Debian 12.3 release delayed due to a problem causing damage to Ext4 FS:

Release of OpenTTD 13.0: Release of MythTV 33: Fedora 38 to offer unlimited support for Flathub: New version of Transmission 4.0.0: Linux 6.1 kernel is long term support: Release of Endless OS Distribution 5.

nftables Packet Filter 1.0.1 Release of PureOS 10 Arcan 0.6.1 Desktop Engine Released Germany plans for Linux and LibreOffice Q4OS 4.7 Distribution Released First test release of free 2D CAD CadZinho

Oracle’s Patch Reduces Boot Times By Almost Half Inkscape 1.0 Released, Finally Ubuntu Studio 20.10 To Ship With Plasma Ubuntu 20.04 Certifies the Pi Audacity Released 2.4, Withdrew It, Then Released It Again

Linux Command Line Editors Vulnerable to High Severity Bug KDE 5.16 Is Now Available for Kubuntu Debian 10 Buster-based Endless OS 3.6.0 Linux Distribution Now Available Introducing Matrix 1.0 and the Matrix.

Endless OS Functionality Controls Simplify Computing System76 ‘Darter Pro’ laptop finally here LibreELEC 9.0 released: Linux distro built around Kodi media center Bareos 18.2 released Linux kernel gets another option to disable Spectre mitigations

Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish May Include Out-of-the-box Android Integration AsteroidOS, An Open-source Wear OS Alternative, Launches First Stable Version Endless OS 3.4 Released With New Features, Linux 4.15, And Phone Companion App

Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark is ready for download Linux Kernel LTS Releases Will Now Get 6 Years Support Severe WiFi Hack: WPA2 “KRACK Attack” Threatens WiFi Users Around The World

ownCloud Pi Device to Run on Snappy Ubuntu Core 16.04 LTS and Raspberry Pi 3 Endless Mini Computer Succeeds Nvidia 364.12 Linux Driver Out Now with Vulkan 1.0, Wayland, and Mir Support