Release of Apache NetBeans 19: Samba 4.19.0: Release of Manjaro Linux 23.0: Tails 5.17: webOS Open Source Edition 2.23: Ubuntu will support full-disk encryption that uses TPM: Double Commander 1.

RT-Thread 5.0: Release of Tux Paint 0.9.29: Fedora FS encryption: Available Wayland 1.22: ppp 2.5.0: Release of OpenShot 3.1: Release of DNF 4.15: Release of Fonoster 0.4, open alternative to Twilio:

SFC urges open source projects to stop using GitHub: Porteus 5.0 distribution released: Release of Zabbix 6.2: The KDE project introduced their fourth generation of KDE Slimbooks: Oracle Linux 9 and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 available:

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators ClamAV 0.104 Free Antivirus Finnix 123 Linux Distro for System Administrators Is Out Based on Debian Bullseye Tarantool 2.8 released Whonix 16 available

Let’s Encrypt Moves Forward with the CAA Rechecking Bug Project Sandcastle runs Android on iPhone 7 Glimpse 0.1.2 Is More than a Name Change systemd 245 Now Supports Encrypted Home Directories

Canonical Preps Emergency Point Releases for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS & Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ONLYOFFICE Announces Blockchain-Based End-to-End Document Encryption KDE Plasma 5.15.2 Desktop Environment Released with 23 Bug Fixes, Update Now

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Encryption with Veracrypt, Freeplane, and Great Cow Basic Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Linux My Story My Opinion Review: Linux Lite Plus: News, Q&A, and much more.

Ubuntu Core 16 released Canonical announces live kernel patching for Ubuntu Linux Kernels Patched Against “Dirty COW” bug FakeFile Trojan Opens Backdoors on Linux Computers Linus Torvalds Announces Linux Kernel 4.

This month [NEW!] Ubuntu News. How-To : Programming in Python, LibreOffice, and Create a Thief-proof PC. Graphics : Kdenlive, and Inkscape. Web Dev : CRUD Part 3. Book Review - Think Like a Programmrer.