Mozilla Firefox Could Soon Get a “Tor mode” Add-on Critical Flaw in VLC Media Player Discovered by German Cybersecurity Agency Hackers Exploit Jira and Exim Linux Servers to “Keep the Internet Safe”

Debian GNU/Linux project to mark 25th birthday on Thursday Hands-on with Linux Mint Debian Edition 3 Beta Valve seems to be working on tools to get Windows games running on Linux

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python (Arduino), Snappy on an EEE PC, and Program With FreePascal Graphics : Inkscape [NEW!] Kdenlive ChromeCult: Dropbox Paper Linux Labs: Dictating a Novel KODI Room Book Review: Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python Ubuntu Games: Life Is Strange Plus: News, Q&A, and soooo much more.

Linux Mint 18 Xfce Edition Is Now Available for Download The rise of the Linux botnet Elon Musk Says DARPA A.I. Hacking Challenge Will Lead to Skynet Debian Project Enhances the Anonymity and Security of Debian Linux Users via Tor