Midnight Commander 4.8.30 Vim future: Promoting the new Ubuntu Store app manager: Release of Devuan 5.0: Debian GNU/Linux is 30 years old: Release nginx 1.25.2: Release of fheroes2 - 1.

Geany 1.38 IDE Redo Rescue 4.0.0, backup and recovery distribution Arkime 3.1 network traffic indexing system Release of ROSA Fresh 12 on the new rosa2021.1 platform (IN RUSSIAN) The author of cdrtools passed away

Ubuntu Releases After Regression Hirsute Hippo Feature Freeze Thunderbird Backported to Ubuntu 20.04 Mesa Project Looking for Help System76 Milling Their Own Open Source Keyboards Red Hat Announces More Free RHEL

Linux Mint Confirms Snap Will Be Forbidden TUXEDO Computers and System76 Now Have AMD Laptop Offerings Kup Is Now an Official KDE App Kernel 5.8 Will Be One of the Biggest Releases of All Time

Gnome 3.35.2 Available for Testing Cumulus Networks Unveils Its 4th-Generation of Modern Network Software Devuan ASCII 2.1 released Zorin OS Responds to the Privacy Concerns Kali Linux 2019.4 Released

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Automation, and Darktable Graphics : Inkscape My Opinion: Ubuntu 18.04 Linux Loopback Everyday Ubuntu Book Review: Linux Basics for Hackers Review: DeVuan Linux Linux Certified Ubuntu Games: Irony Curtain Plus: News, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, Crossword and more.

UK-based Entroware launches 14 inch Ubuntu laptop with Intel Skylake Unity 8 Won’t Be the Default Desktop Session for Ubuntu 16.10 Devs release beta of systemd-free Debian fork New Android malware disguises itself as a Chrome update