Release of GNU Binutils 2.43: Release of the Nitrux 3.6.0: Vortex 2.2 is available: Release of Puppeteer 23: First alpha release of the COSMIC desktop environment: LibreCUDA project to run CUDA code on NVIDIA GPUs without proprietary Runtime:

Kera Desktop project: Release of EasyOS 5.4: Release of Debian GNU/Hurd 2023: OBS Studio added support for WebRTC with P2P broadcasting: Update of nginx 1.25.1: Nextcloud Hub 5 collaboration:

Qt6 packages prepared for Debian 11: Release of the MidnightBSD 2.2: Cinnamon 5.4 desktop environment released: Release of EasyOS 4.0, a custom distribution from the creator of Puppy Linux:

Paragon Software has resumed maintenance of the NTFS3 module in the Linux kernel: Release of Tails 5.1: New driver for the Vulkan graphics API is being developed: Rakudo compiler release 2022.

SIMH simulator license dispute: Vulnerability in the Linux perf kernel subsystem: HP has announced a laptop that comes with Pop!_OS: Ubuntu 22.10 will move to audio processing with PipeWire instead of PulseAudio:

Release of the Lutris 0.5.10 platform Release of Nitrux 2.1 with the NX Desktop Release of xfce4-terminal 1.0.0 qutebrowser 2.5 and Min 1.24 web browsers available(https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases/tag/v2.5.0) New versions of Claws Mail 3.

Cassowary project Release of OS Qubes 4.1 GNOME Commander 1.14 released Kasper, a speculative code execution problem scanner Absolute Linux 15.0 released Release of OpenMandriva Lx 4.3 Postfix 3.7.0 mail server

SUSE releases Rancher Desktop 1.0 rqlite 7.0, a distributed fault-tolerant DBMS Release of Nitrux 2.0 Minetest 5.5.0, an open source clone of MineCraft Falkon 3.2.0 browser developed by the KDE project

Release of Siduction 2021.3 Release of Rescuezilla 2.3 backup distribution KiCad 6.0 CAD released Nitrux 1.8.0 Distribution Release with NX Deskto Lumina Desktop 1.6.2 Released Enlightenment 0.25 Released Release of BusyBox 1.

nftables Packet Filter 1.0.1 Release of PureOS 10 Arcan 0.6.1 Desktop Engine Released Germany plans for Linux and LibreOffice Q4OS 4.7 Distribution Released First test release of free 2D CAD CadZinho

AlmaLinux 8.5 is available Release of Lakka 3.6 LF Decentralized Storage Migrated to Open License SeaMonkey 2.53.10 Released Fedora Linux 37 intends to end support for 32-bit ARM architecture

First release of Fosscord’s Discord-compatible communication platform Apache Foundation moves away from mirrors in favor of CDN Rancher Desktop 0.6.0 Released(Including Linux support) Dash to Dock 70 released Double Commander 1.