Linux kernel 6.13 released: Mesa adopts amdgpu_virtio: Linux libre kernel 6.13: Release of Toybox 0.8.12: 9front release 10931: Wine 10.0 Stable Release: Release of VeraCrypt 1.26.18: SDL 3 Released:

The tools wget 1.25 and Curl 8.11 are now available: and CachyOS 241110 Released: Release of Luanti 5.10.0: DXVK 2.5 Release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10 Beta Release and RHEL 9.

Tizen Studio 6.0 Development Environment Released: Release of NethSecurity 8.3: FFmpeg speeds up some operations by 94 times: Updating DogLinux build: LXQt 2.1.0 Released: Firewalld 2.3.0 Released: webOS Open Source Edition 2.

wcurl has been accepted into the Curl project: Release of Frigate 0.14: Release of Hyprland 0.42: RebeccaBlackOS 2024-08-12: Release of Tails 6.6: Release of Minetest 5.9.0: Release of Mesa 24.

Booting Arch Linux from Google Drive: GNOME switching font? GDB Debugger 15: Release of Box64 0.3.0: Shotstars 0.2: Debian GNU/Hurd builds 71% of Debian packages: Multi-user code editor Zed now supports Linux:

GNU Guile 3.0.10: Release SKUDONET 7.1: Release of OpenShot 3.2.0: openSUSE Leap Micro 6.0: Ubuntu Sway Remix 24.04: TileOS 1.1 distribution update: Release of PipeWire 1.2.0: Release of video editor Shotcut 24.

Linux kernel 6.9 release: Viola Workstation K 10.3: Debian switches to a stripped-down version of the KeePassXC: Rescuezilla 2.5: An NVIDIA representative answered questions related to the transfer of drivers to open kernel modules:

The Servo browser engine & Mozilla SpiderMonkey: Descent 3 open source: Release of GNU Taler 0.10: The Gentoo Project has banned the adoption of changes prepared using AI tools:

Release of SysVinit 3.09: Release of GNU Emacs 29.3: After TrueNAS CORE 13.3, the FreeBSD-based branch will be put into maintenance mode: Starting with Ubuntu 14.04, support for LTS releases will be increased to 12 years:

Kubuntu switches to Calamares installer: Release of KaOS 2024.01: Fully open stack for MIPI cameras introduced: Chasquid SMTP server 1.13 available: ClamAV 1.3.0 fixed a dangerous vulnerability: VirtualBox to run on top of the KVM hypervisor:

Release of Godot 4.2: Release of Alpine Linux 3.19: Release of Endless OS 5.1: Release of Minetest 5.8.0: Author GnuPG founded LibrePGP: Debian 12.3 release delayed due to a problem causing damage to Ext4 FS:

Wolvic 1.5 light: KaOS 2023.09: LibrePCB reaches 1.0: GNU Project is 40 years old: Release of Porteus 5.01: Linux Mint Debian Edition 6: Release of CrossOver 23.5: Red Hat moves from Bugzilla Error Tracking System to JIRA: