Slackware Linux is 30 years old: Voice Update for Mozilla Common Voice 14.0: GNU Boot, Libreboot boot firmware: LazyVim 5: Composefs on top of OverlayFS and EROFS: MySQL 8.1.0:

GTK 4.4 graphical toolkit GNOME 41 Beta Available Release of the GNU Taler 0.8 Linux kernel turns 30 Release of QEMU Emulator 6.1 SeaMonkey 2.53.9 Free OpenShot Video Editor 2.

The Muse Group acquired the Audacity project GParted 1.3 Partition Editor released Wayland-protocols 1.21 released Exim 4.94.2 update fixes 10 remotely exploited vulnerabilities Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, fixing a vulnerability affecting LibreOffice

Canonical Releases Snapcraft 2.12.1 Snap Creator Tool for Ubuntu 16.04 Use Linux or Tor? The NSA might just be tracking you Ubuntu 16.10 Getting Nautilus 3.20 Soon, Radiance Theme Fully Ported to GTK 3.

You Can Now Have All the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Live DVDs in a Single ISO Image Canonical Releases Snapcraft 2.10 Snaps Creator with Support for ZIP Files, and More