Release of Inkscape 1.4: Qt 6.8 Framework Release: Solus 4.6 released: OpenSSH, moves to sshd-auth: Intel and AMD, with Linus Torvalds, Form x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group: Rogue Legacy Source Code Released:

Amazon and Google have opened Snapchange and Buzzer: A new panel written in Rust for COSMIC: Release of DietPi 8.17: Release of Rocky Linux 9.2: Release of Tor 12.0.6 and Tails 5.

PLEASE NOTE: NEW RSS FEED URL: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/podcasts/index.xml Release of Budgie 10.7: Release of Coreboot 4.19: Release of ONLYOFFICE Docs 7.3.0: Release of Elementary OS 7: Xfce developing support Wayland: Progress of COSMIC written in Rust:

SFC urges open source projects to stop using GitHub: Porteus 5.0 distribution released: Release of Zabbix 6.2: The KDE project introduced their fourth generation of KDE Slimbooks: Oracle Linux 9 and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 available:

GNUnet P2P Platform Release 0.16.0 Release of SQLite 3.38 and sqlite-utils 3.24 Release of MPlayer 1.5 media player Coreboot 4.16 released Canonical and Vodafone develop cloud smartphone technology using Anbox Cloud

Interface for smartwatches added to postmarketOS New Releases of GNUstep Components Armbian Distribution Release 21.05 SSH client PuTTY 0.75 released Ubuntu RescuePack 21.05 Antivirus Boot Disk Available DragonFly BSD 6.

Canonical Chooses Flutter Linux Mint to Make System Updates a Priority Steam Link Now Available on Linux ElementaryOS 6 Changing Some of the Look and Feel Root Access and Denial of Service Flaws Found and Fixed in Kernel 5.

Mozilla Firefox Could Soon Get a “Tor mode” Add-on Critical Flaw in VLC Media Player Discovered by German Cybersecurity Agency Hackers Exploit Jira and Exim Linux Servers to “Keep the Internet Safe”