Kubuntu switches to Calamares installer: Release of KaOS 2024.01: Fully open stack for MIPI cameras introduced: Chasquid SMTP server 1.13 available: ClamAV 1.3.0 fixed a dangerous vulnerability: VirtualBox to run on top of the KVM hypervisor:

Midnight Commander 4.8.30 Vim future: Promoting the new Ubuntu Store app manager: Release of Devuan 5.0: Debian GNU/Linux is 30 years old: Release nginx 1.25.2: Release of fheroes2 - 1.

VMware’s Photon OS 5.0: Cisco has released ClamAV 1.1.0: Release of the OpenMoonRay 1.1 by Dreamworks studio: X.Org project to stop supporting 20 outdated libraries and utilities: Release of OBS Studio 29.

Canonical introduces Steam Snap for easier access to games on Ubuntu: Unity 7.6.0 Custom Shell Release: fwupd 1.8.0, firmware download toolkit available: Release of Trinity R14.0.12 DE: KaOS 2022.04 distribution released:

Apache OpenMeetings 6.2 available Vaultwarden 1.23, released Blender Community Releases Sprite Fright Animated Movie New release of antiX 21 Release of MPV 0.34 Fedora Linux 35 Distribution Released OpenSUSE Leap 15.

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators ClamAV 0.104 Free Antivirus Finnix 123 Linux Distro for System Administrators Is Out Based on Debian Bullseye Tarantool 2.8 released Whonix 16 available

Network Security Toolkit 34 Min 1.20 Published Linux kernel vulnerability affecting CAN BCM network protocol Vulnerabilities in eBPF Subsystem to Bypass Specter Protection NixOS provides repeatable build support for the iso image