Updated Debian 10: 10.2 released Zorin OS 15 Lite is Here IPFire 2.23, Core Update 137 released China Extends Lead in Number of TOP500 Supercomputers System76 Will Build Its Own Linux Laptops From January 2020

Linux Smartphone Librem 5 Will Ship With GNOME 3.32 Ubuntu Touch OTA-5 Is Out for Ubuntu Phones with New Morph Browser, Improvements Google’s Test For Censored Chinese Search Engine Impressive: Sundar Pichai

Firefox Addon Injects Monero Miner Source LibreOffice 6.0 Released With New Features Source Red Hat buys CoreOS Source Intel Disclosed Meltdown Bugs to Chinese Compaines before the US Govrenment Source

Canonical starts IPO path World’s First Quantum Computer Made By China — 24,000 Times Faster Than International Counterparts NHS cyberattack is ‘biggest ransomware outbreak in history’ Debian GNU/Linux 8.8 Released With Tons Of Updates And Fixes

Ubuntu Touch OTA-14 Slightly Delayed Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation, 15 years after Ballmer called it ‘cancer’ Almost all the world’s fastest supercomputers run Linux Security bods find Android phoning home.

PuppEX Linux Live CD Now Based on Puppy Xenial, Compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu Budgie Remix 16.10 ISO Coming Soon with New LightDM Greeter Linux turns 25, is bigger and more professional than ever

Linux’s RPM/deb split could be replaced by Flatpak vs. snap China builds world’s fastest supercomputer without U.S. chips - and it runs Linux Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners