Classic Unix/Linux editor Vim gets first update in years Nextcloud Box – a private cloud and IoT solution for home users – from Nextcloud, Canonical and WDLabs Ubuntu Snappy Core 16 Beta Images Now Available for PC and Raspberry Pi 3
Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 1 Released [Maru OS is now open source (Turns Android phones into Linux desktops)](Turns Android phones into Linux desktops) New ransomware threat deletes files from Linux web servers
Ubuntu Touch OTA-13 Delayed to Bring Android 6.0 BSP Support Oops! Microsoft Accidentally Leaks Backdoor Keys to Bypass UEFI Secure Boot UbuntuBSD 16.04 “A New Hope” Beta 1 Now Available
ownCloud Pi Device to Run on Snappy Ubuntu Core 16.04 LTS and Raspberry Pi 3 Endless Mini Computer Succeeds Nvidia 364.12 Linux Driver Out Now with Vulkan 1.0, Wayland, and Mir Support