Release of SysVinit 3.09: Release of GNU Emacs 29.3: After TrueNAS CORE 13.3, the FreeBSD-based branch will be put into maintenance mode: Starting with Ubuntu 14.04, support for LTS releases will be increased to 12 years:

Updated Debian 10: 10.2 released Zorin OS 15 Lite is Here IPFire 2.23, Core Update 137 released China Extends Lead in Number of TOP500 Supercomputers System76 Will Build Its Own Linux Laptops From January 2020

Knoppix 8.6 is Now Based on Debian 10 “Buster” System76 Unveils Graphical Firmware Updater for All Debian-Based Linux Distros A Raspberry Pi Based Open Source Tablet is in the Making and It’s Called CutiePie

GNU Linux-Libre 5.2 Kernel Released Tails 3.15 Fixes Critical Bugs Mozilla’s Add-Ons Outage Post-Mortem Result Ransomware uses Brute-Force SSH Attacks to Infect Linux-Based NAS Servers Linux Mint 19.2 “Tina” Beta Is Here WIth Cinnamon, Mate and XFCE

Ubuntu 17.04 codename revealed. Will Launch in April 2017 Entroware Is Now Shipping PCs with Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Xubuntu 16.10 Released, Includes Xfce Packages Built with GTK+ 3 Technologies

Ubuntu’s Unity desktop shows the limits of Windows 10’s Bash shell This Android Trojan blocks victims from alerting banks Flaw in vBulletin add-on leads to Ubuntu Forums database breach

Academics claim Google Android two-factor authentication is breakable Nvidia Bets Big On Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Supercomputer DGX-1 New Wine Release Ubuntu Touch OTA-10 Officially Released Infographic: Ubuntu Linux Is Everywhere