Release ofLinks 2.30: Release of SysVinit 3.10: Firmware release for Ubuntu Touch OTA-5 Focal: Super Grub2 Disk 2.06s4, published: Funtoo Linux going to the big server in the sky:

NixBSD develops a variant of NixOS with a kernel from FreeBSD: Release of Arti 1.2: Opus 1.5 audio codec available: openSUSE Tumbleweed & systemd-boot: FreeBSD 13.3: Azure Linux: Linux Mint develops new chat app after shutting down HexChat:

Open Source Software: 20-Plus Years of Innovation IBM Buys Linux & Open Source Software Distributor Red Hat For $34 Billion We (may) now know the real reason for that IBM takeover.

Android’s trust problem isn’t getting better Thousands of Android Apps Are Tracking Kids Without Parental Consent Federal administration relies on Nextcloud Microsoft Creates Its Own Version of Linux For The First Time, Launches Azure Sphere OS

Linux’s RPM/deb split could be replaced by Flatpak vs. snap China builds world’s fastest supercomputer without U.S. chips - and it runs Linux Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners

Snap-Happy Trojan Targets Linux Servers Kali Linux Rolling Release Debian 8.3 (Jessie) Officially Released Artificial intelligence luminary Marvin Minsky has died at 88 New Linux malware spotted Ubuntu Touch OTA-9 Is Officially Released