Release of Armbian 24.8: Release of DietPi 9.7 Samba 4.21.0 Released: GhostBSD 24.07.1 Released: Weston Composite Server 14.0 Released: KDE Project Report 2023: SeaMonkey 2.53.19 Released: QEMU 9.1.0 Available:

Release of Armbian 24.5: Release of KaOS 2024.05: Ubuntu 24.04 builds for the RISC-V board Milk-V Mars: Release of Rhino Linux 2024.1: The XZ project published the result of a commit audit and the first update after the backdoor was identified:

Miracle-wm, a composite manager based on Wayland and Mir: WebKit adds support for the Skia library for rendering 2D graphics: Valve open sourced Steam Audio toolkit: RawTherapee 5.10 released:

Delta Chat 1.42: Release of Incus 0.3: Comentario 3.0.0: Red Hat to remove X.org server and related components from RHEL 10: Tails 5.20: PeerTube 6.0: Release of Armbian 23.11:

Release of antiX 23: Linux 6.5 kernel: KnotDNS 3.3.0 with DNS support over QUIC: Release of the ToaruOS 2.2: Regolith 3.0: MidnightBSD 3.1: Vivaldi 6.2 release: JetBrains announces support for Wayland in IDE IntelliJ:

Release of GNU libmicro libraryhttpd 0.9.77: GoldenDict 1.5.0: Canonical prepares Ubuntu Desktop version containing only Snap packages: Release of Armbian 23.05: Release Angie 1.2.0: Release of TrueNAS CORE 13.0-U5:

Ubuntu mini installation: Release EasyOS 5.0: KDE Plasma switches to Qt 6: Release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14: Release of Armbian 23.02: Release of FFmpeg 6.0: GIMP 2.10.34: Debian 12 launched a separate repository with firmware:

Release of LXLE Focal: OpenMandriva rock n roll: PowerDNS Recursor 4.7.0 Caching DNS Server Released: Release of the NixOS 22.05 distribution using the Nix package manager: Ubuntu 22.10 will replace GEdit with the new GNOME text editor:

Linux 5.14 kernel released Beta version of Multitextor A completely free version of the Linux-libre 5.14 kernel is available NTFS-3G Releases with Vulnerability Elimination ONLYOFFICE Docs 6.4 online editor

Interface for smartwatches added to postmarketOS New Releases of GNUstep Components Armbian Distribution Release 21.05 SSH client PuTTY 0.75 released Ubuntu RescuePack 21.05 Antivirus Boot Disk Available DragonFly BSD 6.