Release of LibreELEC 11.0: Release of APT 2.6: Release of Audacious 4.3: Release of Apache 2.4.56: New version of Samba 4.18.0: Plan to promote Flathub as an independent app store:

Let’s Encrypt Moves Forward with the CAA Rechecking Bug Project Sandcastle runs Android on iPhone 7 Glimpse 0.1.2 Is More than a Name Change systemd 245 Now Supports Encrypted Home Directories

ExTix 19.3 Linux Distro Released With Kernel 5.0, Kodi 18.2, And Xfce 4.13 Ubuntu 14.04.6 Trusty Tahr Released With High-impact APT Bug Fix KDE Plasma 5.15.3 Desktop Environment Released with Flatpak Improvements

Ubuntu to Reject SHA-1-Signed Repos by Default in APT Starting January 1, 2017 Kaspersky OS: Antivirus Firm Launches Its Own “Hackproof” OS, Based On Microkernel Parrot S.L.A.M.dunk Microsoft Warns Bash on Windows Users About Linux File Changes