Canonical abandons Unity, Mir, and Ubuntu Touch Ubuntu Touch and Unity 8 Are Not Dead, UBports Community Will Keep Them Alive Google’s First Machine Learning Chip (TPU) Is 30x Faster Than CPUs And GPUs

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python (Arduino), LaTeX With Zim, and Program With FreePascal Graphics : Inkscape ChromeCult: Zoho Docs Linux Labs: Zoomtak T8H V8 Android Box [NEW!] KODI Room: Tips & Tricks Review: miniTube Ubuntu Games: OpenRA Plus: News, Q&A, and soooo much more.

Ubuntu Touch OTA-14 Slightly Delayed Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation, 15 years after Ballmer called it ‘cancer’ Almost all the world’s fastest supercomputers run Linux Security bods find Android phoning home.

Ubuntu 17.04 codename revealed. Will Launch in April 2017 Entroware Is Now Shipping PCs with Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Xubuntu 16.10 Released, Includes Xfce Packages Built with GTK+ 3 Technologies

Ubuntu Touch OTA-13 Delayed to Bring Android 6.0 BSP Support Oops! Microsoft Accidentally Leaks Backdoor Keys to Bypass UEFI Secure Boot UbuntuBSD 16.04 “A New Hope” Beta 1 Now Available

Ubuntu’s Unity desktop shows the limits of Windows 10’s Bash shell This Android Trojan blocks victims from alerting banks Flaw in vBulletin add-on leads to Ubuntu Forums database breach

Linux’s RPM/deb split could be replaced by Flatpak vs. snap China builds world’s fastest supercomputer without U.S. chips - and it runs Linux Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners

Ubuntu-Based BackBox Linux 4.6 Launches with Updated Hacking Tools, Kernel 4.2 QNAP and Canonical Optimize Ubuntu For IoT Purposes NetOS Enterprise Linux 8 Promises to Be a Worthy Alternative to Chrome OS

Linux powered Zumwalt Destroyer delivered to US navy Chromebooks are about to take over Vulkan Support May Soon Be Implemented in Ubuntu Linux’s Mir Display Server Torvalds unhappy with sloppy Unix Millennium Bug

Linux Mint 18 Will Be Based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Offers Better Hardware Support Critical Linux Kernel Update for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Patches 15 Vulnerabilities Qualcomm flaw puts millions of Android devices at risk

UK-based Entroware launches 14 inch Ubuntu laptop with Intel Skylake Unity 8 Won’t Be the Default Desktop Session for Ubuntu 16.10 Devs release beta of systemd-free Debian fork New Android malware disguises itself as a Chrome update

Academics claim Google Android two-factor authentication is breakable Nvidia Bets Big On Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Supercomputer DGX-1 New Wine Release Ubuntu Touch OTA-10 Officially Released Infographic: Ubuntu Linux Is Everywhere