Release of MX Linux 23.3: Ubuntu 24.04 builds for the Nintendo Switch: IceWM 3.5.0 released: Release of free 2D CAD software CadZinho 0.6: Release of Geary 46.0: GhostBSD 24.04.1:

Release of Godot 4.2: Release of Alpine Linux 3.19: Release of Endless OS 5.1: Release of Minetest 5.8.0: Author GnuPG founded LibrePGP: Debian 12.3 release delayed due to a problem causing damage to Ext4 FS:

The most active dev leaves Alpine Linux: Unofficial GNU Boot renamed: Release of MX Linux 23: Release of GNU Emacs 29.1 with Wayland support: Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk and NVIDIA began joint promotion of the OpenUSD platform:

Creator of LLVM develops a new programming language Mojo: Lennart Pottering offered to add a soft reboot mode to systemd: Release of Alpine Linux 3.18: Free 2D CAD CadZinho 0.

SIMH simulator license dispute: Vulnerability in the Linux perf kernel subsystem: HP has announced a laptop that comes with Pop!_OS: Ubuntu 22.10 will move to audio processing with PipeWire instead of PulseAudio:

nftables Packet Filter 1.0.1 Release of PureOS 10 Arcan 0.6.1 Desktop Engine Released Germany plans for Linux and LibreOffice Q4OS 4.7 Distribution Released First test release of free 2D CAD CadZinho

PHP 8.1 alpha testing has begun rqlite 6.0, a distributed fault-tolerant SQLite-based database management system New stable Tor 0.4.6 branch GNU nano text editor 5.8 SME Server 10.0 Linux server

Full Circle Weekly News is now on Spotify: Ubuntu Making Home Folders Private in 21.04 Ubuntu 21.04 Makes Phased Updates a Reality Tails Has a Focus in 2021 Project Lenix from CloudLinux Gets a Name

DXVK 1.5 Released Calculate Linux 20 Released Purism Announces the Librem Server Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon, MATE and XFCE Released Peppermint 10 Respin Released Alpine Linux 3.11.0 Released Krita Recieves Epic MegaGrant

Linux Kernel 5.1 Released With Lots Of New Features GNU Linux-libre 5.1 Released Mozilla Issues New Update to Fix Add-ons Problem Freespire 4.8 Officially Released Ubuntu Touch OTA-9 Released for Ubuntu Phones

Canonical to Replace Upstart with systemd for Ubuntu 16.10’s Session Startup Canonical Is Now a Patron of KDE, as Part of the Corporate Membership Program Firefox for Linux will soon support Netflix and Amazon videos