Release of OSMC 2024.08-1: The OpenBSD project has made changes to the entire code base: Release of the Calligra 4.0 office suite: Release of VeraCrypt 1.26.14: Microsoft hands over Mono project development to Wine community:

Debian support for RISC-V architecture: Release of MPV 0.36: Inkscape 1.3: Release of PascalABC.NET 3.9.0 development environment: MLS proposed standard: Network Security Toolkit 38: Ubuntu, optimized for Intel Core processors:

Release of Minetest 5.7.0: Release of OpenBSD 7.3: FreeBSD 13.2 with Netlink and WireGuard support: 4MLinux 42.0 Release of Meson 1.1: New version of nginx 1.24.0: NVIDIA has published the code RTX Remix Runtime:

GhostBSD Release 21.11.24 Tux Paint 0.9.27 is released SQLite 3.37 Released The OpenPrinting project has released CUPS 2.4.0 WebOS Open Source Edition 2.14 Released 4MLinux 38.0 in the wild

Lenovo Releases 27 Thinkpads and Thinkstations with Ubuntu Amnesia the Dark Descent, Without Assets, Now Open Source Linux Journal Is Back Microsoft Confirms Edge On Linux in October Ubuntu Touch OTA-13 Out